About us

Time at Gateway Arvada Ridge is filled with constant little annoyances and inconveniences, ending with an obnoxious middle finger from management.

My mission is to warning everyone so they can avoid the scam artists that swindled me.

I moved into the complex while it was still under construction, Overlooked the building code violations and issues left after construction as ‘something that’d get back to’ and never did. And it's turned into a group of rude greedy slum-lords that’re then inclined to bleed you for all they can.

The lease requires 60 days written notification to move out, 60 days verbal notification was comminuted in person to the head office, but at 45 days I was informed it needed to be in writing.

The penalty for this, is my rent will increase from $2k to $3k at the end of my lease. Half a month of this rate is $1500. $100 a day.


If you'd want to contact me, to add your living experiance to this page, please fill the contact form.

cheaply built
over Priced
Always noisey

Electric bill is outrageous.

You must pay for parking and will be towed for simple infractions such as expired registration.

Pay double for Valet trash pickup (even if you don’t use the service)

You can hear EVERYTHING your neighbors are doing.

Walls & Floors are paper thin.

You can hear the trains and people searching for parking 24/7

Cheap contractor grade fixtures and appliances.

Paper thin walls and floors.

There are fewer then 2 parking spaces per apartment, and never enough parking.